v0.7.1 - User Management

Happy New year everyone, the latest version 0.7.1 comes with user management is available.

You will prompt to create an initial administrator when open web portal of this new version at first time. After login, you can manage users/groups/role privilege at new added "users" menu. With privilege management, you can use Nano more securely in your organization and enterprise.

After login, you can see the current user at the bottom. Click to log out current session.

Clicking to reset the guest opration system when restore or install a new system.

When an outdated OS of instance fails to recognize the disk or network, you can try the new option "Legacy System" of system version.

Since CentOS upgrade to 7.6 (1810), the RPMs bundle with installer are all updated base on 1810. For who already have Nano installed, please execute "yum update" before upgrading to avoid start failure of Cell caused by improper Libvirt version.

Change list:

  • Add system initialization to create the first administrator.
  • User/Group/Role management
  • Add resetting system of an instance.
  • Add uptime to dashboard
  • Add a new option of "Legacy System" for creating an instance.
  • Automatically synchronize Core binding storage when connected to the Cell.
  • Update the RPM package.
  • Fixed: images without tag do not display in the list.